Eona® Biomasa. Intelligent management of Biomass

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biomass eona ® was founded in 2007. It currently has two plants and recovery of waste management. Hired 220.000.000 Kw / h of thermal power generation, above 10 MWh of installed thermal poetencia and a wide range of products and services, including hot water, Superheated water, steam and hot oil. Eona Biomass propone, through the intelligent and selective management of various types of biomass, energy production can replace existing energy production systems.

It aims to promote research and development of new technologies and processes that contribute to addressing climate change and other environmental challenges with a proactive approach, that enable more efficient use of natural resources efeciente and progress towards a more sustainable energy model.


The eona Project has a management disposal and recovery of biodegradable waste. From our facilities management and waste recovery, biofuels supply throughout the Spanish territory. We have a fleet of vehicles with different volumes, adapting our service and fuel supply needs of each of our clients.

Our facilities are adapted and approved by the Plant Health Inspection Service of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, for the receipt and processing of Thynchophorus ferrugineus, red palm weevil.


They have been years of studies, both from the point of view of the energy potential of native species, as a mechanical engineer from prerspectiva to optimize grinding processes, dewatering and drying, desfibrados, densified and different arrangements on the ground of the necessary steps for an efficient and competitive biofuel, for the production of thermal energy from biomass.

Thanks to our R & D we can ensure that we are a reliable supplier of energy completely, and competent. Our experienced team provides information on the proper installation for a particular application and we provide individualized energy supply. We improve the profitability of their production, the image of your company and work with the environment. We have the necessary support and the best solutions for your applications.